Saturday, November 19, 2005

Why is it that I and many others are so incredibly afraid to write or say out loud what we actually feel with regard to Bush and his presidency? Is our fear for real? I mean is there indeed a US "Bushstapo" out there waiting for someone like me to cross over their perceived line of what is "acceptable" criticism v/s what is a threat to national security?

I am a U.S. citizen. I proudly served my country. I voted against you for the Texas Governership and for the U.S. Presidency. I know and you know that you did not truly win the presidential election. Even so, I could have dealt with your deceptions and respected you as the Commander in Chief despite your linguistic ineptitude and your dingbat, flubbering manner of speaking, your love affair with the rich and powerful. But when you alienated and totally ignored the advice of our friends, when you deceived the congress and the public and invaded a country without sufficient provocation you flushed that pride I had way down. It is circling its way down the toilet bowl into the depths of shame and despair. Mr. Bush, you took away any illusion I had that the United States of America will always have the moral high ground...that we'll always do the right thing.

You have destroyed our economic solvency. Millions of people have lost jobs under your watch. You are destroying the middle class. You are making poor people much poorer and rich people richer. I have nothing against rich people but rich people who cater to you and your agenda are the lowest of the low. When will you ever learn that the "trickle down" theory is a bunch of hogwash. A prosperous middle class is a happy middle class and a high-spending and investing bunch of people. I call it the "trickle-up" theory: give people money to spend and they will spend it on things that make rich people richer. Give them no money to spend and they find ways to remove some of the rich people's money. Investing in the poor is a good trickles back up to the rich.

I am totally unable to read, listen to or watch the news because when I see you now I get a very ill feeling! In fact, I get exceptionally angry! You, in my opinion, have clearly demonstrated that you are the epitome of evil, deceptive, power-mongering leadership. I have never seen nor heard of a more destructive Presidency than yours. I am ashamed of you!


At 9:57 AM, Blogger Frank4zen said...

well said, I could not agree more Many Americans have been tricked into believing that the real problem is "big government", but the real problem is "bad leadership". And right now we have some really bad leadership running, and ruining, our we must ask Is Bush A Liar Or Just Stupid?


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